Gabriel Villagrán Gabriel Villagrán Explorer

Launch X Bitácora de viaje.

Hello ✌️ I’m glad that you’re here, I’m Gabriel Aldair Villagrán Saucedo and this is my blog.

Welcome to my safe place, here you will find all about what I’ve learned about backend with the help of my Mission Commander (mentor), the one and only Carlo Gilmar.

On my github profile you can see some of the works that I’ve done across my learning path (courses, college, personal projects, etc…) feel free to use it if you want it, I’ll be thankful if you give me some credits.

I would like to thank to the mentors that I’ve had in my learning path:

  • Dr. Pedro David Arjona Villicaña
  • Dr. Jose Ignacio Nuñez Varela
  • Fernanda Ochoa
  • Rodrigo Martínez
  • Carlo Gilmar

“Don’t let the theory stop you from reaching your goal” “Al espacio y mucho, pero mucho… más allá!!!” 🚀